Well, we got in another War of 1812 game, and this time it was a bit more predictable. The Americans, despite overwhelming numbers had.....issues.
Not that the American plan was inherently flawed. I over-tweaked them for the game, so it was hard to find a unit that didn't have something wrong with it, although most were reasonably benign issues like "freshly raised" status. The Brits also got a bit tweaked as well, mostly more super-power things like "brave" and "crack" although their militia had their faults.
Clearly, there is some more thought to be applied to balance, but the period is picking up with the Atlantic Gaming Commision, two members are working on British troops for the Chesapeake Campaign of 1814, and with Knuckleduster releasing US naval personnel from Barney's Flotilla, the Battle of Bladesnburg will be a reality.
And a good time was had, it always helps when you at least start with a plan....